Sunday, December 30, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
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Obama Newtown Speech: President Addresses Vigil For Sandy Hook Shooting Victims (FULL TEXT)
Posted: 12/16/2012 10:44 pm EST | Updated: 12/16/2012 11:03 pm EST
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President Obama spoke at a prayer vigil in Newton, Connecticut on Sunday in honor of the victims of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Below, read Obama's full remarks as provided by the White House: THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you, Governor. To all the families, first responders, to the community of Newtown, clergy, guests -- Scripture tells us: “…do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away…inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.” We gather here in memory of twenty beautiful children and six remarkable adults. They lost their lives in a school that could have been any school; in a quiet town full of good and decent people that could be any town in America. Here in Newtown, I come to offer the love and prayers of a nation. I am very mindful that mere words cannot match the depths of your sorrow, nor can they heal your wounded hearts. I can only hope it helps for you to know that you’re not alone in your grief; that our world too has been torn apart; that all across this land of ours, we have wept with you, we’ve pulled our children tight. And you must know that whatever measure of comfort we can provide, we will provide; whatever portion of sadness that we can share with you to ease this heavy load, we will gladly bear it. Newtown -- you are not alone. As these difficult days have unfolded, you’ve also inspired us with stories of strength and resolve and sacrifice. We know that when danger arrived in the halls of Sandy Hook Elementary, the school’s staff did not flinch, they did not hesitate. Dawn Hochsprung and Mary Sherlach, Vicki Soto, Lauren Rousseau, Rachel Davino and Anne Marie Murphy -- they responded as we all hope we might respond in such terrifying circumstances -- with courage and with love, giving their lives to protect the children in their care. We know that there were other teachers who barricaded themselves inside classrooms, and kept steady through it all, and reassured their students by saying “wait for the good guys, they’re coming”; “show me your smile.” And we know that good guys came. The first responders who raced to the scene, helping to guide those in harm’s way to safety, and comfort those in need, holding at bay their own shock and trauma because they had a job to do, and others needed them more. And then there were the scenes of the schoolchildren, helping one another, holding each other, dutifully following instructions in the way that young children sometimes do; one child even trying to encourage a grown-up by saying, “I know karate. So it’s okay. I’ll lead the way out.” (Laughter.) As a community, you’ve inspired us, Newtown. In the face of indescribable violence, in the face of unconscionable evil, you’ve looked out for each other, and you’ve cared for one another, and you’ve loved one another. This is how Newtown will be remembered. And with time, and God’s grace, that love will see you through. But we, as a nation, we are left with some hard questions. Someone once described the joy and anxiety of parenthood as the equivalent of having your heart outside of your body all the time, walking around. With their very first cry, this most precious, vital part of ourselves -- our child -- is suddenly exposed to the world, to possible mishap or malice. And every parent knows there is nothing we will not do to shield our children from harm. And yet, we also know that with that child’s very first step, and each step after that, they are separating from us; that we won’t -- that we can’t always be there for them. They’ll suffer sickness and setbacks and broken hearts and disappointments. And we learn that our most important job is to give them what they need to become self-reliant and capable and resilient, ready to face the world without fear. And we know we can’t do this by ourselves. It comes as a shock at a certain point where you realize, no matter how much you love these kids, you can’t do it by yourself. That this job of keeping our children safe, and teaching them well, is something we can only do together, with the help of friends and neighbors, the help of a community, and the help of a nation. And in that way, we come to realize that we bear a responsibility for every child because we’re counting on everybody else to help look after ours; that we’re all parents; that they’re all our children. This is our first task -- caring for our children. It’s our first job. If we don’t get that right, we don’t get anything right. That’s how, as a society, we will be judged. And by that measure, can we truly say, as a nation, that we are meeting our obligations? Can we honestly say that we’re doing enough to keep our children -- all of them -- safe from harm? Can we claim, as a nation, that we’re all together there, letting them know that they are loved, and teaching them to love in return? Can we say that we’re truly doing enough to give all the children of this country the chance they deserve to live out their lives in happiness and with purpose? I’ve been reflecting on this the last few days, and if we’re honest with ourselves, the answer is no. We’re not doing enough. And we will have to change. Since I’ve been President, this is the fourth time we have come together to comfort a grieving community torn apart by a mass shooting. The fourth time we’ve hugged survivors. The fourth time we’ve consoled the families of victims. And in between, there have been an endless series of deadly shootings across the country, almost daily reports of victims, many of them children, in small towns and big cities all across America -- victims whose -- much of the time, their only fault was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. We can’t tolerate this anymore. These tragedies must end. And to end them, we must change. We will be told that the causes of such violence are complex, and that is true. No single law -- no set of laws can eliminate evil from the world, or prevent every senseless act of violence in our society. But that can’t be an excuse for inaction. Surely, we can do better than this. If there is even one step we can take to save another child, or another parent, or another town, from the grief that has visited Tucson, and Aurora, and Oak Creek, and Newtown, and communities from Columbine to Blacksburg before that -- then surely we have an obligation to try. In the coming weeks, I will use whatever power this office holds to engage my fellow citizens -- from law enforcement to mental health professionals to parents and educators -- in an effort aimed at preventing more tragedies like this. Because what choice do we have? We can’t accept events like this as routine. Are we really prepared to say that we’re powerless in the face of such carnage, that the politics are too hard? Are we prepared to say that such violence visited on our children year after year after year is somehow the price of our freedom? All the world’s religions -- so many of them represented here today -- start with a simple question: Why are we here? What gives our life meaning? What gives our acts purpose? We know our time on this Earth is fleeting. We know that we will each have our share of pleasure and pain; that even after we chase after some earthly goal, whether it’s wealth or power or fame, or just simple comfort, we will, in some fashion, fall short of what we had hoped. We know that no matter how good our intentions, we will all stumble sometimes, in some way. We will make mistakes, we will experience hardships. And even when we’re trying to do the right thing, we know that much of our time will be spent groping through the darkness, so often unable to discern God’s heavenly plans. There’s only one thing we can be sure of, and that is the love that we have -- for our children, for our families, for each other. The warmth of a small child’s embrace -- that is true. The memories we have of them, the joy that they bring, the wonder we see through their eyes, that fierce and boundless love we feel for them, a love that takes us out of ourselves, and binds us to something larger -- we know that’s what matters. We know we’re always doing right when we’re taking care of them, when we’re teaching them well, when we’re showing acts of kindness. We don’t go wrong when we do that. That’s what we can be sure of. And that’s what you, the people of Newtown, have reminded us. That’s how you’ve inspired us. You remind us what matters. And that’s what should drive us forward in everything we do, for as long as God sees fit to keep us on this Earth. “Let the little children come to me,” Jesus said, “and do not hinder them -- for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Charlotte. Daniel. Olivia. Josephine. Ana. Dylan. Madeleine. Catherine. Chase. Jesse. James. Grace. Emilie. Jack. Noah. Caroline. Jessica. Benjamin. Avielle. Allison. God has called them all home. For those of us who remain, let us find the strength to carry on, and make our country worthy of their memory. May God bless and keep those we’ve lost in His heavenly place. May He grace those we still have with His holy comfort. And may He bless and watch over this community, and the United States of America. (Applause.) Photo:
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President Obama spoke at a prayer vigil in Newton, Connecticut on Sunday in honor of the victims of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Below, read Obama's full remarks as provided by the White House: THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you, Governor. To all the families, first responders, to the community of Newtown, clergy, guests -- Scripture tells us: “…do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away…inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.” We gather here in memory of twenty beautiful children and six remarkable adults. They lost their lives in a school that could have been any school; in a quiet town full of good and decent people that could be any town in America. Here in Newtown, I come to offer the love and prayers of a nation. I am very mindful that mere words cannot match the depths of your sorrow, nor can they heal your wounded hearts. I can only hope it helps for you to know that you’re not alone in your grief; that our world too has been torn apart; that all across this land of ours, we have wept with you, we’ve pulled our children tight. And you must know that whatever measure of comfort we can provide, we will provide; whatever portion of sadness that we can share with you to ease this heavy load, we will gladly bear it. Newtown -- you are not alone. As these difficult days have unfolded, you’ve also inspired us with stories of strength and resolve and sacrifice. We know that when danger arrived in the halls of Sandy Hook Elementary, the school’s staff did not flinch, they did not hesitate. Dawn Hochsprung and Mary Sherlach, Vicki Soto, Lauren Rousseau, Rachel Davino and Anne Marie Murphy -- they responded as we all hope we might respond in such terrifying circumstances -- with courage and with love, giving their lives to protect the children in their care. We know that there were other teachers who barricaded themselves inside classrooms, and kept steady through it all, and reassured their students by saying “wait for the good guys, they’re coming”; “show me your smile.” And we know that good guys came. The first responders who raced to the scene, helping to guide those in harm’s way to safety, and comfort those in need, holding at bay their own shock and trauma because they had a job to do, and others needed them more. And then there were the scenes of the schoolchildren, helping one another, holding each other, dutifully following instructions in the way that young children sometimes do; one child even trying to encourage a grown-up by saying, “I know karate. So it’s okay. I’ll lead the way out.” (Laughter.) As a community, you’ve inspired us, Newtown. In the face of indescribable violence, in the face of unconscionable evil, you’ve looked out for each other, and you’ve cared for one another, and you’ve loved one another. This is how Newtown will be remembered. And with time, and God’s grace, that love will see you through. But we, as a nation, we are left with some hard questions. Someone once described the joy and anxiety of parenthood as the equivalent of having your heart outside of your body all the time, walking around. With their very first cry, this most precious, vital part of ourselves -- our child -- is suddenly exposed to the world, to possible mishap or malice. And every parent knows there is nothing we will not do to shield our children from harm. And yet, we also know that with that child’s very first step, and each step after that, they are separating from us; that we won’t -- that we can’t always be there for them. They’ll suffer sickness and setbacks and broken hearts and disappointments. And we learn that our most important job is to give them what they need to become self-reliant and capable and resilient, ready to face the world without fear. And we know we can’t do this by ourselves. It comes as a shock at a certain point where you realize, no matter how much you love these kids, you can’t do it by yourself. That this job of keeping our children safe, and teaching them well, is something we can only do together, with the help of friends and neighbors, the help of a community, and the help of a nation. And in that way, we come to realize that we bear a responsibility for every child because we’re counting on everybody else to help look after ours; that we’re all parents; that they’re all our children. This is our first task -- caring for our children. It’s our first job. If we don’t get that right, we don’t get anything right. That’s how, as a society, we will be judged. And by that measure, can we truly say, as a nation, that we are meeting our obligations? Can we honestly say that we’re doing enough to keep our children -- all of them -- safe from harm? Can we claim, as a nation, that we’re all together there, letting them know that they are loved, and teaching them to love in return? Can we say that we’re truly doing enough to give all the children of this country the chance they deserve to live out their lives in happiness and with purpose? I’ve been reflecting on this the last few days, and if we’re honest with ourselves, the answer is no. We’re not doing enough. And we will have to change. Since I’ve been President, this is the fourth time we have come together to comfort a grieving community torn apart by a mass shooting. The fourth time we’ve hugged survivors. The fourth time we’ve consoled the families of victims. And in between, there have been an endless series of deadly shootings across the country, almost daily reports of victims, many of them children, in small towns and big cities all across America -- victims whose -- much of the time, their only fault was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. We can’t tolerate this anymore. These tragedies must end. And to end them, we must change. We will be told that the causes of such violence are complex, and that is true. No single law -- no set of laws can eliminate evil from the world, or prevent every senseless act of violence in our society. But that can’t be an excuse for inaction. Surely, we can do better than this. If there is even one step we can take to save another child, or another parent, or another town, from the grief that has visited Tucson, and Aurora, and Oak Creek, and Newtown, and communities from Columbine to Blacksburg before that -- then surely we have an obligation to try. In the coming weeks, I will use whatever power this office holds to engage my fellow citizens -- from law enforcement to mental health professionals to parents and educators -- in an effort aimed at preventing more tragedies like this. Because what choice do we have? We can’t accept events like this as routine. Are we really prepared to say that we’re powerless in the face of such carnage, that the politics are too hard? Are we prepared to say that such violence visited on our children year after year after year is somehow the price of our freedom? All the world’s religions -- so many of them represented here today -- start with a simple question: Why are we here? What gives our life meaning? What gives our acts purpose? We know our time on this Earth is fleeting. We know that we will each have our share of pleasure and pain; that even after we chase after some earthly goal, whether it’s wealth or power or fame, or just simple comfort, we will, in some fashion, fall short of what we had hoped. We know that no matter how good our intentions, we will all stumble sometimes, in some way. We will make mistakes, we will experience hardships. And even when we’re trying to do the right thing, we know that much of our time will be spent groping through the darkness, so often unable to discern God’s heavenly plans. There’s only one thing we can be sure of, and that is the love that we have -- for our children, for our families, for each other. The warmth of a small child’s embrace -- that is true. The memories we have of them, the joy that they bring, the wonder we see through their eyes, that fierce and boundless love we feel for them, a love that takes us out of ourselves, and binds us to something larger -- we know that’s what matters. We know we’re always doing right when we’re taking care of them, when we’re teaching them well, when we’re showing acts of kindness. We don’t go wrong when we do that. That’s what we can be sure of. And that’s what you, the people of Newtown, have reminded us. That’s how you’ve inspired us. You remind us what matters. And that’s what should drive us forward in everything we do, for as long as God sees fit to keep us on this Earth. “Let the little children come to me,” Jesus said, “and do not hinder them -- for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Charlotte. Daniel. Olivia. Josephine. Ana. Dylan. Madeleine. Catherine. Chase. Jesse. James. Grace. Emilie. Jack. Noah. Caroline. Jessica. Benjamin. Avielle. Allison. God has called them all home. For those of us who remain, let us find the strength to carry on, and make our country worthy of their memory. May God bless and keep those we’ve lost in His heavenly place. May He grace those we still have with His holy comfort. And may He bless and watch over this community, and the United States of America. (Applause.) Photo:
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
The New Fictional Novel by Author Khadija Craddock Awakened (Wak Series)
If you love vampire novels then this is a must !
The New Fictional Novel by Author Khadija Craddock
Awakened (Wak Series)
Alaya Eveland is an aspiring track star at Equinox High in Equinox, Florida. She was beginning to make a name for herself throughout the city for her amazing speed and her infallible track record, but her obsession with being the fastest young woman in the world causes her to kill her mother and herself. Miraculously she was given a second chance at life. However, Alaya is too grief stricken to care much about her school career and only focuses on track and Octavius, a striking mysterious boy in her class. She is drawn to Octavius in ways beyond words, but she doesn't know why. Despite having a best friend and a crush on her teammate Shemroy, she still feels a heavy amount of burden and pain from killing her mother. But it seems maybe she was really better off dead, for she soon learns she needs blood to sustain her life, her father has to kill her for existing, her ex-boyfriend has gone rogue, her favorite adversary has gone missing and people end up dead. Nothing is as it seems and no one is who they say; not even Alaya.
You can purchase Awakened (Wak Series) here on Amazon !
The New Fictional Novel by Author Khadija Craddock
Awakened (Wak Series)
Alaya Eveland is an aspiring track star at Equinox High in Equinox, Florida. She was beginning to make a name for herself throughout the city for her amazing speed and her infallible track record, but her obsession with being the fastest young woman in the world causes her to kill her mother and herself. Miraculously she was given a second chance at life. However, Alaya is too grief stricken to care much about her school career and only focuses on track and Octavius, a striking mysterious boy in her class. She is drawn to Octavius in ways beyond words, but she doesn't know why. Despite having a best friend and a crush on her teammate Shemroy, she still feels a heavy amount of burden and pain from killing her mother. But it seems maybe she was really better off dead, for she soon learns she needs blood to sustain her life, her father has to kill her for existing, her ex-boyfriend has gone rogue, her favorite adversary has gone missing and people end up dead. Nothing is as it seems and no one is who they say; not even Alaya.
You can purchase Awakened (Wak Series) here on Amazon !
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Support: Solange Knowles – New True EP
All our #FlightWreckteam Supporters Please go out and support this new project by
@solangeknowles "True" it was recorded and mixed by our engineer Mikaelin 'Blue' BlueSpruce @ Lounge Studios, NYC

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@solangeknowles "True" it was recorded and mixed by our engineer Mikaelin 'Blue' BlueSpruce @ Lounge Studios, NYC

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Mother of Jordan Davis Says Calling Her Son's Death a "Hate Crime" would "Dishonor Him"
- From
Mother of Jordan Davis Says Calling Her Son's Death a "Hate Crime" would "Dishonor Him"
Mother of Jordan Davis Says Calling Her Son's Death a "Hate Crime" would "Dishonor Him"
November 28, 2012 04:00 PM EST
Jordan Davis died during a shooting outside of a gas station on Friday night. His mother, Lucia McBath, says that calling the shooting a "hate crime" would divide people and would be even more of a tragedy. It started when 45-year-old Michael Dunn and his girlfriend pulled up next to Davis and his friends at a gas station, where they stopped to get snacks after shopping on Black Friday, as reported by Heather Crawford at FirstCoastNews. Dunn confronted the teens over their loud music, which led to the shooting. It certainly seems like a case of overkill, as Dunn "shot eight or nine rounds at the car, striking the victim twice and killing him." How devastating for this mother! Dunn reportedly did not realize that anyone was shot during the incident, and he fled the scene, worried that there would be retaliation.
![]() |
Michael Dunn 45, Alleged Shooter of Jordan davis |
Dunn's attorney said that he was acting in self defense, as he saw one of the teens flash a gun. "What we know is that once all the facts come out, that what really happened is known, it will be very clear that Mr. Dunn acted responsibly and as any other firearms owner would have acted under these same circumstances," says Dunn's attorney, Robin Lemonidis, as reported by Michelle Quesada.
McBath believes that her faith in God will help her get through this time. Jordan Davis' death is a horrific as he was only 17 years old and had his whole life ahead of him. Hopefully the mainstream media will honor her and the memory of her son by not politicizing this tragedy.
Watch a local news cast, which discusses both sides of the story:
Michael Dunn Photo:
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
North Jersey Be Sure To Come Out and Support !!!
North Jersey Be Sure To Come Out and Support !!!
Aspiring Artists, Producers and All Entertainment Industry Lovers Come Out and Support This Event!
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North Jersey Be Sure To Come Out and Support !!!
Aspiring Artists, Producers and All Entertainment Industry Lovers Come Out and Support This Event!
Going Down on Sat. Dec 8 3-8 PM
@ Heritage Lounge in West Orange, NJ
DJ Tajee / DJ Wallah of Hot 97 FM and Heavy Hitters / Vinnie of Naughty By Nature / Video Director Rock Davis / Universal Music and More
Will All Be In Attendance !!
So Don't Miss Out !!
For Ticket Info and More Hit Up
973 776 4237
Miss Fraz
862 438 5537
Hector 'Macho' Camacho shot
From -
Hector Camacho Shot In Puerto Rico Hector Camacho has been taken to the hospital after being shot.
Updated: November 21, 2012, 2:56 PM ET news services
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- Hector "Macho" Camacho was clinging to life Wednesday after being shot in the face while in a car, with doctors and his family expected to decide whether to remove the former boxing champion from life support. Doctors initially had said the 50-year-old Camacho was in critical but stable condition and expected to survive after he was shot Tuesday night in his hometown of Bayamon. His condition worsened overnight, however, and his heart stopped at one point, said Dr. Ernesto Torres, director of the Centro Medico trauma center in San Juan. "The situation with Macho is very delicate," Torres told reporters during a media briefing on Wednesday. "The prognosis is not good." He said the hospital's team of doctors were trying to determine the boxer's level of brain activity. "We just have to wait to see if Macho gets better. It's a hard battle," friend and former manager Ismael Leandry told The Associated Press. Torres said Camacho's mother, Maria Matias, spent about 20 minutes with her son, one of the most dynamic boxing personalities of his era, and was expected to return for a second visit on Wednesday night. She is expected to decide whether Camacho should be taken off life support based on the results of further tests due Wednesday. Torres said encephalographic tests would determine whether Camacho is brain dead. Torres said Camacho's son, Hector Camacho Jr., is due to arrive in Puerto Rico on Wednesday night. "His mother came and she is devastated," he said. "She knows the prognosis is not at all favorable." A godson, Widniel Adorno, said the family has discussed the possibility of organ donation but no final decision has been made. Camacho was outside Azuquita Liquor Store in a parked Ford Mustang with a friend when he was shot in the face. The friend, identified as 49-year-old Adrian Mojica Moreno, was killed. Police said two assailants fled in an SUV but no arrests have been made and no motive has been disclosed. Mojica Moreno's relationship to Camacho wasn't immediately known, but on Wednesday detective Alex Diaz told that Mojica Moreno had nine bags of cocaine in his possession with an open 10th bag in the vehicle, which was registered to Mojica Moreno. He had been arrested for possession of controlled substances in April, according to Diaz. Camacho was rushed to Centro Medico, where doctors initially said a bullet passed through his jaw and lodged in his shoulder. Torres said the bullet damaged three of the four main arteries in his neck and fractured two vertebrae, which could leave him paralyzed if he were to survive. Mojica Moreno was shot as he got out of the car and tried to flee while Camacho was shot in the passenger's seat. Steve Tannenbaum, who also has represented Camacho in the past, had been told earlier by friends at the hospital that the boxer would survive. "This guy is a cat with nine lives. He's been through so much," he said. "If anybody can pull through it will be him." Friends and family members waited anxiously at the hospital, fondly recalling Camacho's high-energy personality and his powerful skills in the ring. "He was like a little brother who was always getting into trouble," said former featherweight champion Juan Laporte, a fellow Puerto Rican who grew up and trained with Camacho in New York. Camacho has been considered one of the more controversial figures in boxing, but also popular among fans and those who worked in the sport. "The Macho Man was a promoter's dream," renowned promoter Don King told AP. "He excited boxing fans around the world with his inimitable style. He was a nice, amiable guy away from the ring." King had promoted Camacho but was caught off guard by news of the attack on the former champion. "What a tragedy this is," he said. "I'm very sorry for Hector and his family. My prayers go out to him." The fighter's last title bout came against then-welterweight champion Oscar De La Hoya in 1997, a loss by unanimous decision. He last fought in May 2010, losing to Saul Duran. Tannenbaum said they were looking at a possible bout in 2013. "We were talking comeback even though he is 50," he said. "I felt he was capable of it." Camacho was born in Bayamon, one of the cities that make up the San Juan metropolitan area. He left Puerto Rico as a child and grew up mostly in New York's Harlem neighborhood, one of the reasons he later earned the nickname "the Harlem Heckler." He went on to win super lightweight, lightweight and junior welterweight world titles in the 1980s. Camacho has a career record of 79-6-3. Camacho has fought other high-profile bouts in his career against Felix Trinidad, Julio Cesar Chavez and Sugar Ray Leonard. Camacho knocked out Leonard in 1997, ending what was that former champ's final comeback attempt. In recent years, he has divided his time between Puerto Rico and Florida, appearing regularly on Spanish-language television as well as on a reality show called "Es Macho Time!" on YouTube. In San Juan, he had been living in the beach community of Isla Verde, where he would obligingly pose for photos with tourists who recognized him on the street, said former pro boxer Victor "Luvi" Callejas, a neighbor and friend. "We all know what Macho Camacho has done, but in the last couple of months he hasn't been in any trouble," Callejas said as he kept vigil outside the hospital. "He has been taking it easy. He's been upbeat." Drug, alcohol and other problems have trailed Camacho since the prime of his boxing career. He was sentenced in 2007 to seven years in prison for the burglary of a computer store in Mississippi. While arresting him on the burglary charge in January 2005, police also found the drug ecstasy. A judge eventually suspended all but one year of the sentence and gave Camacho probation. He wound up serving two weeks in jail, though, after violating that probation. His wife also filed domestic abuse complaints against him twice before their divorce several years ago. Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.
News Coverage Video
Hector Camacho Shot In Puerto Rico Hector Camacho has been taken to the hospital after being shot.
Updated: November 21, 2012, 2:56 PM ET news services
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- Hector "Macho" Camacho was clinging to life Wednesday after being shot in the face while in a car, with doctors and his family expected to decide whether to remove the former boxing champion from life support. Doctors initially had said the 50-year-old Camacho was in critical but stable condition and expected to survive after he was shot Tuesday night in his hometown of Bayamon. His condition worsened overnight, however, and his heart stopped at one point, said Dr. Ernesto Torres, director of the Centro Medico trauma center in San Juan. "The situation with Macho is very delicate," Torres told reporters during a media briefing on Wednesday. "The prognosis is not good." He said the hospital's team of doctors were trying to determine the boxer's level of brain activity. "We just have to wait to see if Macho gets better. It's a hard battle," friend and former manager Ismael Leandry told The Associated Press. Torres said Camacho's mother, Maria Matias, spent about 20 minutes with her son, one of the most dynamic boxing personalities of his era, and was expected to return for a second visit on Wednesday night. She is expected to decide whether Camacho should be taken off life support based on the results of further tests due Wednesday. Torres said encephalographic tests would determine whether Camacho is brain dead. Torres said Camacho's son, Hector Camacho Jr., is due to arrive in Puerto Rico on Wednesday night. "His mother came and she is devastated," he said. "She knows the prognosis is not at all favorable." A godson, Widniel Adorno, said the family has discussed the possibility of organ donation but no final decision has been made. Camacho was outside Azuquita Liquor Store in a parked Ford Mustang with a friend when he was shot in the face. The friend, identified as 49-year-old Adrian Mojica Moreno, was killed. Police said two assailants fled in an SUV but no arrests have been made and no motive has been disclosed. Mojica Moreno's relationship to Camacho wasn't immediately known, but on Wednesday detective Alex Diaz told that Mojica Moreno had nine bags of cocaine in his possession with an open 10th bag in the vehicle, which was registered to Mojica Moreno. He had been arrested for possession of controlled substances in April, according to Diaz. Camacho was rushed to Centro Medico, where doctors initially said a bullet passed through his jaw and lodged in his shoulder. Torres said the bullet damaged three of the four main arteries in his neck and fractured two vertebrae, which could leave him paralyzed if he were to survive. Mojica Moreno was shot as he got out of the car and tried to flee while Camacho was shot in the passenger's seat. Steve Tannenbaum, who also has represented Camacho in the past, had been told earlier by friends at the hospital that the boxer would survive. "This guy is a cat with nine lives. He's been through so much," he said. "If anybody can pull through it will be him." Friends and family members waited anxiously at the hospital, fondly recalling Camacho's high-energy personality and his powerful skills in the ring. "He was like a little brother who was always getting into trouble," said former featherweight champion Juan Laporte, a fellow Puerto Rican who grew up and trained with Camacho in New York. Camacho has been considered one of the more controversial figures in boxing, but also popular among fans and those who worked in the sport. "The Macho Man was a promoter's dream," renowned promoter Don King told AP. "He excited boxing fans around the world with his inimitable style. He was a nice, amiable guy away from the ring." King had promoted Camacho but was caught off guard by news of the attack on the former champion. "What a tragedy this is," he said. "I'm very sorry for Hector and his family. My prayers go out to him." The fighter's last title bout came against then-welterweight champion Oscar De La Hoya in 1997, a loss by unanimous decision. He last fought in May 2010, losing to Saul Duran. Tannenbaum said they were looking at a possible bout in 2013. "We were talking comeback even though he is 50," he said. "I felt he was capable of it." Camacho was born in Bayamon, one of the cities that make up the San Juan metropolitan area. He left Puerto Rico as a child and grew up mostly in New York's Harlem neighborhood, one of the reasons he later earned the nickname "the Harlem Heckler." He went on to win super lightweight, lightweight and junior welterweight world titles in the 1980s. Camacho has a career record of 79-6-3. Camacho has fought other high-profile bouts in his career against Felix Trinidad, Julio Cesar Chavez and Sugar Ray Leonard. Camacho knocked out Leonard in 1997, ending what was that former champ's final comeback attempt. In recent years, he has divided his time between Puerto Rico and Florida, appearing regularly on Spanish-language television as well as on a reality show called "Es Macho Time!" on YouTube. In San Juan, he had been living in the beach community of Isla Verde, where he would obligingly pose for photos with tourists who recognized him on the street, said former pro boxer Victor "Luvi" Callejas, a neighbor and friend. "We all know what Macho Camacho has done, but in the last couple of months he hasn't been in any trouble," Callejas said as he kept vigil outside the hospital. "He has been taking it easy. He's been upbeat." Drug, alcohol and other problems have trailed Camacho since the prime of his boxing career. He was sentenced in 2007 to seven years in prison for the burglary of a computer store in Mississippi. While arresting him on the burglary charge in January 2005, police also found the drug ecstasy. A judge eventually suspended all but one year of the sentence and gave Camacho probation. He wound up serving two weeks in jail, though, after violating that probation. His wife also filed domestic abuse complaints against him twice before their divorce several years ago. Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.
News Coverage Video
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Female Cover Of The Week: Swimming Pools by Kendrick Lamar (Smoker Edition)
Female Cover Of The Week: Swimming Pools by Kendrick Lamar (Smoker Edition)
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Sunday, November 18, 2012
Support Wreckteam And Get A Chance To Win Free Merchandise From Tex 1 & Khaliba (Caliber)
Follow The 4 Steps Below and Automatically Enter For A Chance To Win A Free Wreckteam T Shirt, Free Music and More From Wreckteam Entertainment's Recording Artists Tex 1 & Khaliba (Caliber)
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Placing an Order For The Ladies: Trey Songz Sound-A-Like Ordering Food At Wendy's Drive-Thru!
Warning: This Absolutely Hilarious !!!!
Clownin: Trey Songz Sound-A-Like Ordering FoodWendy's Drive-Thru!
Clownin: Trey Songz Sound-A-Like Ordering FoodWendy's Drive-Thru!
Tex 1 & Khaliba (Caliber) To Release New Music Video "All Time High" ft. Candi Carlisle
Tex 1 & Khaliba were out in Sunny Los Angeles, CA a few weeks ago filming the music video to their upcoming single "All Time High" ft. Candi Carlisle Directed By Symptom of LA's 210 West
The song is expected to be featured on their upcoming highly anticipated EP "The Day Despair Sets In" which is set to serve as a sequel to their debut album "The Day The Job Market Crumbled" now available on Amazon.
"The Day Despair Sets In" is expected to be released sometime in the Fall of 2013.
Please Stay Posted Here At FlightWreckteam for more info on it as well as the World Premiere of "All Time High" !!!
The song is expected to be featured on their upcoming highly anticipated EP "The Day Despair Sets In" which is set to serve as a sequel to their debut album "The Day The Job Market Crumbled" now available on Amazon.
"The Day Despair Sets In" is expected to be released sometime in the Fall of 2013.
Please Stay Posted Here At FlightWreckteam for more info on it as well as the World Premiere of "All Time High" !!!
More Pics From The Set Below !!!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
"Rhythm and Amusement": R. Kelly Sings for Security to Remove Fan from Crowd
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One of the most popular R&B singers in history, R. Kelly, had to kick one of his fans out of a recent concert. The way he went about removing the fan, who was becoming rowdy, is very interesting. Instead of telling security to remove the fan, Kelly sang for security guards to remove the fan from the venue. The entire incident was caught on video too.
The show took place this past weekend at the Nokia Theater in Downtown Los Angeles. During the concert, Kelly saw two female fans getting physical with each other in the crowd. A source told TMZ that one of the women took the other woman’s seat and that the two came within inches of trading punches during the incident.
We have embedded the video in this post for you to enjoy and it is difficult to tell what Kelly says after he sings for security to come to remove the woman. You can kind of tell that Kelly barked some orders at the security team in the theater and even used some choice words all while keeping his tune.
The security guards finally realized what was going on and responded to the area of the crowd that needed attention. The woman was then escorted from the building.

One of the most popular R&B singers in history, R. Kelly, had to kick one of his fans out of a recent concert. The way he went about removing the fan, who was becoming rowdy, is very interesting. Instead of telling security to remove the fan, Kelly sang for security guards to remove the fan from the venue. The entire incident was caught on video too.
The show took place this past weekend at the Nokia Theater in Downtown Los Angeles. During the concert, Kelly saw two female fans getting physical with each other in the crowd. A source told TMZ that one of the women took the other woman’s seat and that the two came within inches of trading punches during the incident.
We have embedded the video in this post for you to enjoy and it is difficult to tell what Kelly says after he sings for security to come to remove the woman. You can kind of tell that Kelly barked some orders at the security team in the theater and even used some choice words all while keeping his tune.
The security guards finally realized what was going on and responded to the area of the crowd that needed attention. The woman was then escorted from the building.
Main Photo:
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Silly Sh*t: Romney Supporters From Ohio Don't Even Know!
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Omg! is America really this divided !!??
Silly Sh*t: Romney Supporters From Ohio Don't Even Know!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
The Return of The Fresh Prince: Will Smith Freesyles On Stage While Doug E. Fresh Beat Boxes!
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"At Gabrielle Union's 40th birthday party" - Video by Julia Beverly
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Cops confirm Natina Reed of Atlanta R&B group Blaque fatally hit by car
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Updated: 6:44 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012 | Posted: 2:36 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Gwinnett County police confirmed Saturday that Atlanta R&B singer Natina Reed of the female group Blaque was killed late Friday after being struck by a car just north of Lilburn, but authorities ruled out a hit-and-run, contrary to earlier online reports.
“As of right now, it does not appear that the driver has any fault in this event,” said police spokesman Sgt. Rich Long, who added that it was the driver who contacted police about the accident. The driver, who was not immediately identified, was not expected to be charged, the spokesman said.
Initial unconfirmed reports on and and in multiple Twitter postings said Reed, a 32-year-old protégé of the late TLC singer Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes, was struck while crossing a street in a hit-and-run accident. She would have celebrated her 33rd birthday Sunday.
After the initial reports, Long told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that he couldn’t confirm the identity of the victim at the time but said police received a call around 10:30 p.m. Friday that a woman had been struck by a red Honda Accord on Lawrenceville Highway (U.S. 29) near Hamilton Road, just north of Lilburn.
Long said investigators were still trying to determine why Reed was in the roadway and whether she was crossing or walking alongside it. The spokesman said CPR was performed at the scene and Reed was taken to Gwinnett Medical Center, where she was pronounced dead at 10:59 p.m.
Long said other than the driver and a passenger in the car, there did not appear to be any additional witnesses. The spokesman said the investigation was continuing and that more information would be released as facts become available.
Reed’s fellow Blaque members reacted to her death in tweets Saturday. Shamari Fears-DeVoe tweeted, “My world as I know it has forever changed. Until we meet again, may you find comfort in the arms of an angel. I love you Natina.”
Brandi Williams, another member, tweeted, “Last night the world was changed forever, life will never be the same….she was my sister.” The group also has included singer Erica Pullins.
Later in a joint statement, Fears-DeVoe and Williams said Blaque had reunited and was in the process of working on a new album and a reality show.
“Natina continuously embodied the pioneering spirit of Blaque and her undeniable creativity touched the hearts of fans everywhere. Natina was a mother, sister, accomplished songwriter, artist and friend,” the statement said.
Multiple messages were posted on Twitter expressing condolences, including those from Def Jam co-founder Russell Simmons and V103 personality Egypt Sherrod.
Billboard named Blaque as the 4th Best New Artist in 1999. Lopes signed Blaque, whose hits included “808” and “Bring It All to Me”, to her Left Eye Productions label. Lopes was killed in 2002 in a car crash in La Ceiba, Honduras.
Reed also starred in the 2000 cheerleading movie “Bring It On” with Williams and Shamari-DeVoe. The New York City native is survived by a 10-year-old son, Tren Brown, from a relationship with rapper Kurupt.
“As of right now, it does not appear that the driver has any fault in this event,” said police spokesman Sgt. Rich Long, who added that it was the driver who contacted police about the accident. The driver, who was not immediately identified, was not expected to be charged, the spokesman said.
Initial unconfirmed reports on and and in multiple Twitter postings said Reed, a 32-year-old protégé of the late TLC singer Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes, was struck while crossing a street in a hit-and-run accident. She would have celebrated her 33rd birthday Sunday.
After the initial reports, Long told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that he couldn’t confirm the identity of the victim at the time but said police received a call around 10:30 p.m. Friday that a woman had been struck by a red Honda Accord on Lawrenceville Highway (U.S. 29) near Hamilton Road, just north of Lilburn.
Long said investigators were still trying to determine why Reed was in the roadway and whether she was crossing or walking alongside it. The spokesman said CPR was performed at the scene and Reed was taken to Gwinnett Medical Center, where she was pronounced dead at 10:59 p.m.
Long said other than the driver and a passenger in the car, there did not appear to be any additional witnesses. The spokesman said the investigation was continuing and that more information would be released as facts become available.
Reed’s fellow Blaque members reacted to her death in tweets Saturday. Shamari Fears-DeVoe tweeted, “My world as I know it has forever changed. Until we meet again, may you find comfort in the arms of an angel. I love you Natina.”
Brandi Williams, another member, tweeted, “Last night the world was changed forever, life will never be the same….she was my sister.” The group also has included singer Erica Pullins.
Later in a joint statement, Fears-DeVoe and Williams said Blaque had reunited and was in the process of working on a new album and a reality show.
“Natina continuously embodied the pioneering spirit of Blaque and her undeniable creativity touched the hearts of fans everywhere. Natina was a mother, sister, accomplished songwriter, artist and friend,” the statement said.
Multiple messages were posted on Twitter expressing condolences, including those from Def Jam co-founder Russell Simmons and V103 personality Egypt Sherrod.
Billboard named Blaque as the 4th Best New Artist in 1999. Lopes signed Blaque, whose hits included “808” and “Bring It All to Me”, to her Left Eye Productions label. Lopes was killed in 2002 in a car crash in La Ceiba, Honduras.
Reed also starred in the 2000 cheerleading movie “Bring It On” with Williams and Shamari-DeVoe. The New York City native is survived by a 10-year-old son, Tren Brown, from a relationship with rapper Kurupt.
This Is F***** Up: Lil Reese From GBE Caught On Camera Beating Up A Female! (Year Old Footage Comes To Surface)
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This Is F***** Up: Lil Reese From GBE Caught On Camera Beating Up A Female! (Year Old Footage Comes To Surface)
This Is F***** Up: Lil Reese From GBE Caught On Camera Beating Up A Female! (Year Old Footage Comes To Surface)
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Black woman set on fire in alleged KKK attack
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A 20-year-old Black woman woman was set on fire in a KKK related race attack in Louisiana.

By Katinka Dufour
2:52PM BST 23 Oct 2012
Sharmeka Moffitt was exercising alone on a walking trail in a city park in Winnsboro, Louisiana when three men wearing white hoods allegedly attacked her.
The men doused her in a flammable liquid and set her on fire causing third-degree burns.
Miss Mofftitt had put out the flames using water from a spigot before police responded to her 911 call.
Miss Moffitts’ sister Michelle told the Shreveport Times: “She called 911, then she called me. She said she had been burned, she had been set on fire. I stayed on the phone until I got (to the park) even though she wasn’t able to say anything.”
The letters “KKK” - in reference to the white supremacist group Ku Klux Klan - were spray painted on the hood of her car as well as a racial slur.
Miss Moffitt could not recall what race her attackers were. The place where the attack took place has no surveillance cameras but the crime lab is analysing multiple pieces of evidence.
The FBI is investigating the attack as a possible hate crime but no arrests had been made as of late Monday according to Louisiana State Police spokesman Lt. Julie Lewis. Speculations that the victim was wearing an Obama-campaign t-shirt hen the attacked occurred were denied by her mother.
Franklin Sheriff Kevin Cobb called it "a horrific event" and said authorities would "follow the facts and seek justice".
Miss Moffitt is at the LSU Medical Centre Shreveport in critical conditions.
Her mother said: “They want to take the dead skin off and place other skin there if they can. I have no idea who did it…I want them to pay for what they did to her.” She also said that on “both of her arms, there are third degree burns down her chest and legs-first degree. Basically her arms are real bad.”
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
English Teacher Throws Down His Footworking Skills After School! (Wins Cafeteria Dance Off)
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English Teacher Throws Down His Footworking Skills After School! (Wins Cafeteria Dance Off)
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Sunday, October 21, 2012
President Obama Gives Jay-Z Dad Advice, What's On His Ipod, & More [Audio]
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Obama speaks to Cleveland's z107.9,. Submitted by
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Obama speaks to Cleveland's z107.9,. Submitted by
Monday, October 15, 2012
Gunplay Assault & Robbery Footage
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Friday, October 12 2012 4:26 PM EST | Posted by: Big Homie | Posted in: Blog, Focus, Top 5 Posts
Friday, October 12 2012 4:26 PM EST | Posted by: Big Homie | Posted in: Blog, Focus, Top 5 Posts
Gunplay Assault & Robbery Footage
Big brother is always watching. During CBS Miami‘s coverage of Gunplay’s surrender this morning, the news broadcasted surveillance footage of the rapper brandishing a gun on his accountant this past April. He then allegedly swiped his cellphone and chain. Ruff Ryders “Takin Money” skit come to life?
News: Nas Says "Bye Baby" To Georgia Mansion
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Sunday, Oct 14, 2012 8:37PM
Written by Cyrus Langhorne
New York rap veteran Nas has reportedly lost a Georgia home to a bank auction after falling behind on hefty payments.
According to reports, Nasty Nas could not keep up with mortgage payments which resulted in the home getting foreclosed.
Life's a bitch ... Nas sang it and now he's living it ... because besides being knee deep in tax debt, TMZ has learned the rapper just lost his Georgia crib to foreclosure. According to official records, Nas purchased the 2-bedroom, 3-bath pad back in 2004 for $585,000 ... but according to SunTrust bank (which issued him the loan) ... Nas couldn't foot the bill and defaulted on the payments, still owing $507,000. SunTrust recently foreclosed on the property and then sold it to the highest bidder at public auction last month for $348,500 ... WAY LESS than the rapper paid eight years ago. It's a steal for the new owner -- the house is over 3,500 square feet with a walk-in pool and hot tub ... granite counter-tops ... custom theater ... gym and game room. (TMZ)
Back in March, Nas caught heat for tax-related woes stemming from Georgia.
The next time you buy a Nas album, you're really just handing your money over to the government -- because the rapper's delinquent tax filings have caused Uncle Sam to begin garnishing his wages ... TMZ has learned. As TMZ first reported, Nas is in tax debt up to his eyeballs ... if you his eyeballs were $6,000,000 tall. So the government has finally tired of waiting for Nas to pay up, so they filed documents in the state of Georgia to have his wages garnished -- via the music publishing organizations BMI and ASCAP -- until the debt is paid off. So if you like Nas, but hate the government ... perhaps you'll want to find an alternative way to listen to his music. (TMZ)
Last year, his financial woes circulated across the Internet.
Nas is the latest rapper to make headlines for tax troubles. God's Son reportedly owes the government over $6 million for a property he owns in Eagles Landing, Ga. This isn't the first time Nasir has has problems with the IRS; for the last three years he filed liens. In addition, the Queens, NY MC reportedly owes money for his condo in his hometown. Managers of the building claim he failed to pay his $420 a month assessment fee since January of last year, and have also filed a lien. (XXL Mag)
Outside of legal problems, the rapper recently hinted at his desire to hook back up with ex-wife Kelis.
Rapper Nas offered his ex-wife Kelis an indecent proposal recently when he sent her a late-night sex text. The star confessed his lusty thoughts to fans during a show in London on Monday night, revealing he let his urges get the better of him. According to, the rap star said, "You know, I text her the other night. I said, 'Can we make love one more time?' Seriously!" And he also revealed he's still reeling from the bitter 2010 bust-up: "(It) still hurts bad. That pain is real, y'all." He made the comments during a performance of "Bye Bye Baby," which is believed to be about his ex. (SF Gate)
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Inside Photo:
Sunday, Oct 14, 2012 8:37PM
Written by Cyrus Langhorne
New York rap veteran Nas has reportedly lost a Georgia home to a bank auction after falling behind on hefty payments.
According to reports, Nasty Nas could not keep up with mortgage payments which resulted in the home getting foreclosed.
Life's a bitch ... Nas sang it and now he's living it ... because besides being knee deep in tax debt, TMZ has learned the rapper just lost his Georgia crib to foreclosure. According to official records, Nas purchased the 2-bedroom, 3-bath pad back in 2004 for $585,000 ... but according to SunTrust bank (which issued him the loan) ... Nas couldn't foot the bill and defaulted on the payments, still owing $507,000. SunTrust recently foreclosed on the property and then sold it to the highest bidder at public auction last month for $348,500 ... WAY LESS than the rapper paid eight years ago. It's a steal for the new owner -- the house is over 3,500 square feet with a walk-in pool and hot tub ... granite counter-tops ... custom theater ... gym and game room. (TMZ)
![]() |
Nas' home in GA is being forclosed on. |
The next time you buy a Nas album, you're really just handing your money over to the government -- because the rapper's delinquent tax filings have caused Uncle Sam to begin garnishing his wages ... TMZ has learned. As TMZ first reported, Nas is in tax debt up to his eyeballs ... if you his eyeballs were $6,000,000 tall. So the government has finally tired of waiting for Nas to pay up, so they filed documents in the state of Georgia to have his wages garnished -- via the music publishing organizations BMI and ASCAP -- until the debt is paid off. So if you like Nas, but hate the government ... perhaps you'll want to find an alternative way to listen to his music. (TMZ)
Last year, his financial woes circulated across the Internet.
Nas is the latest rapper to make headlines for tax troubles. God's Son reportedly owes the government over $6 million for a property he owns in Eagles Landing, Ga. This isn't the first time Nasir has has problems with the IRS; for the last three years he filed liens. In addition, the Queens, NY MC reportedly owes money for his condo in his hometown. Managers of the building claim he failed to pay his $420 a month assessment fee since January of last year, and have also filed a lien. (XXL Mag)
Outside of legal problems, the rapper recently hinted at his desire to hook back up with ex-wife Kelis.
Rapper Nas offered his ex-wife Kelis an indecent proposal recently when he sent her a late-night sex text. The star confessed his lusty thoughts to fans during a show in London on Monday night, revealing he let his urges get the better of him. According to, the rap star said, "You know, I text her the other night. I said, 'Can we make love one more time?' Seriously!" And he also revealed he's still reeling from the bitter 2010 bust-up: "(It) still hurts bad. That pain is real, y'all." He made the comments during a performance of "Bye Bye Baby," which is believed to be about his ex. (SF Gate)
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Inside Photo:
Saturday, October 13, 2012
It Felt Like I Was On Mortal Kombat: Girl Who Got Hit With The ONLY Uppercut By Bus Driver Speaks Out!
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It Felt Like I Was On Mortal Kombat: Girl Who Got Hit With The ONLY Uppercut By Bus Driver Speaks Out!
Stacy Dash Shocked by Romney Support Tweet Backlash
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Posted By: Daily Dish ( Email ) | Oct 11 at 12:47 pm
“Clueless” actress Stacy Dash felt “saddened and shocked” after she received a barrage of online abuse for endorsing Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romeny, but has praised the politician’s team for supporting her during the fallout.
The actress voiced her support for Romney in a post on Twitter, and she was bombarded with nasty messages from followers who condemned her for not backing incumbent Democrat Barack Obama.
She has now opened up about the dispute in a candid interview with TV host Piers Morgan, revealing she was stunned by the harsh comments over her political opinion.
Dash says, “I really don’t understand the fury. I don’t understand it. I don’t get it… I am shocked. Sad, not angry. Saddened and shocked. Really shocked. But you know what, you can’t expect everyone to agree with you… (It was) pretty harsh…
“It is my right as an American citizen. It’s my constitutional right to have my choice of who I want to vote for for president… And I chose him not by the color of his skin but the content of his character.”
The actress also reveals the dispute prompted Romney’s running mate Paul Ryan to give her a call.
She adds, “He said thank you so much for your support and that I was brave and that they support me. And I thought that was just so generous and kind, you know. Lovely, really.”
Posted By: Daily Dish ( Email ) | Oct 11 at 12:47 pm
“Clueless” actress Stacy Dash felt “saddened and shocked” after she received a barrage of online abuse for endorsing Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romeny, but has praised the politician’s team for supporting her during the fallout.
The actress voiced her support for Romney in a post on Twitter, and she was bombarded with nasty messages from followers who condemned her for not backing incumbent Democrat Barack Obama.
She has now opened up about the dispute in a candid interview with TV host Piers Morgan, revealing she was stunned by the harsh comments over her political opinion.
Dash says, “I really don’t understand the fury. I don’t understand it. I don’t get it… I am shocked. Sad, not angry. Saddened and shocked. Really shocked. But you know what, you can’t expect everyone to agree with you… (It was) pretty harsh…
“It is my right as an American citizen. It’s my constitutional right to have my choice of who I want to vote for for president… And I chose him not by the color of his skin but the content of his character.”
The actress also reveals the dispute prompted Romney’s running mate Paul Ryan to give her a call.
She adds, “He said thank you so much for your support and that I was brave and that they support me. And I thought that was just so generous and kind, you know. Lovely, really.”
Friday, October 12, 2012
B*tch Get Off My Bus: Driver Uppercuts The Sh*t Outta Teen Girl In Cleveland!
For the record..there is never an excuse to hit a female like this...NEVER !!!! - Tex 1
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B*tch Get Off My Bus: Driver Uppercuts The Sh*t Outta Teen Girl In Cleveland!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
‘The Last Dragon’ star Leo O’Brien dies at age 41
Had been shot in Harlem last year
-From nydailynews.comBy Christine Roberts , Michael J. Feeney AND Tracy Connor / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Published: Thursday, October 11, 2012, 11:06 AM Updated: Thursday, October 11, 2012, 1:29 PM
Stars of ‘The Last Dragon’ Taimak Guarriello (l.) and Leo O'Brien (r.) film
'I've Seen Things’ on 135th St. in Harlem in 2011. O’Brien died at age 41 Wednesday morning. Leo O'Brien, a star of the cult classic "The Last Dragon," died in New York on Wednesday at age 41, family and friends said. The cause of death was not released. His friend and former castmate, Taimak Guarriello said only, “He’s been having a little problem.” "He's been through a lot of tough times," Guarriello said. "It's unfortunate." PHOTOS: STARS WHO LEFT US TOO YOUNG RELATED: "BAD NEWS BEARS" STAR KILLED BY DRUNK DRIVER IN LOS ANGELES O’Brien, who was trying to put his checkered past behind him and resurrect an acting career, was shot three times in Harlem a year ago after an argument with an acquaintance. “I’m a fast healer — kind of a mutant,” he told the Daily News at the time. “I’ve been told if this happened to someone else, they’d be dead.”
After hearing about the shooting last September, Guarriello reached out to O’Brien, visited him in the hospital and rekindled their friendship. The two began filming a short indie flick a month later, their first collaboration since the 1985 martial arts musical produced by Berry Gordy.
O’Brien — who ran several businesses after a string of arrests that landed him in jail for eight years — was cast as a charming Harlem gangster. The movie has not been released, but Guarriello said he had hoped to include O'Brien in other upcoming projects. "He was very talented," he said. "It wasn't like he lost his talent." In “The Last Dragon,” Guarriello played the lead character, Bruce Leroy, and O’Brien played his charismatic little brother, Richie.
"This is a movie that touched a lot of hearts and he was wonderful in it," said Guarriello. "I think people should remember him as the talent that he was," he said. "He was a sweetheart and he had a good sense of humor." Guarriello said he learned of his pal’s death from O’Brien’s son, Drew, who mourned his father on Facebook with the message: “R.I.P to my father Leo Obrien. You will be dearly missed. I love you.”
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Posted: 11/06/2012 9:20 am EST Updated: 11/06/2012 10:30 am EST
The HuffPost Pollster tracking model created by Stanford political scientist Simon Jackman, which combines all available national and statewide polling data, finds that if polls fall within the historical ranges of polling accuracy, Obama stands a 91 percent chance of victory.
The remaining questions about the polling data are whether the final averages prove to be as collectively accurate as in past elections or whether some systematic error in the swing state surveys is concealing a hidden Romney advantage that will reveal itself when the votes are counted. There is also, perhaps, the issue of whether all voters will be allowed to cast ballots and whether all of their votes will be counted.
Nationally, 10 more pollsters reported their final results on Monday or Tuesday. The final round of national polls, including those released over the weekend, all show the race falling well within the typical random sampling error for a single national survey, with margins ranging from a 1 percentage-point Romney edge to a 4 point Obama advantage.
When the Pollster tracking model combines all of the data into an estimate of the national popular vote, it now shows Obama holding a roughly 1.5 point advantage over Romney (48.1 to 46.7 percent), the best showing for Obama since just before the first presidential debate in October (the model will revise one more time on Tuesday morning to catch the last handful of final polls, and this article will be updated accordingly).
Given the late deluge of data, the model says that Obama's narrow national advantage is statistically meaningful and does not result from random chance. When historical patterns of polling accuracy are factored in, the model now gives Obama a 75 percent chance of winning the national popular vote.
Far more importantly, the final polls show Obama maintaining his advantage in the critical battleground states. In Ohio, which continues to be the most important tipping point state in the race to win 270 electoral votes, 13 of the final 14 surveys show Obama nominally ahead, with one showing a tie.
But the polls also give Obama narrower but statistically meaningful advantages of roughly 2.5 points in Iowa and nearly 2 points in New Hampshire, Virginia and Colorado. If Obama wins in all of the states where he is leading, his electoral vote total would rise to 303 electoral votes.
Romney holds a statistically significant lead in North Carolina, which when combined with other states where he leads by larger margins, would bring his electoral vote total to 206.
In the final hours, Florida remains a true tossup, with the two candidates separated by a half a percentage point (48.4 to 47.9 percent). With typical patterns of polling accuracy factored in, the chances of Obama's tiny advantages translating into a Florida victory as of this writing are just 59 percent -- barely better than a coin toss.
A list of the final round of Florida's polls illustrates the pattern. Seven give Romney a nominal advantage, six give the edge to Obama and three show an exact tie.
As Simon Jackman explains separately, the question of how to best predict the electoral college outcome is tricky because of uncertainty about Florida. As shown in the graphic below, the model predicts several different electoral vote scenarios as most likely. If Obama wins every state in which the model currently shows him ahead (including the non-significant margin in Florida), he would win a total of 332 electoral votes, which is also the model's median estimate.
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